Naratif o glymau, edafedd a chlymau           A narrative of knots threads and tangles  

Trish Bould and Pom Stanley.  Part of a series of work developed for exhibition 2023


‘Ymestyn i mewn ac allan’      

‘reaching in and out‘            40 x 31.5  ins  heritage print mounted on aluminum

‘Hanes defnydd’                                                    ‘Eiddo etifeddol‘                                     ‘Edrych i mewn‘                               ‘Archdeip‘                                           ‘Bod’

‘material histories‘                                                 ‘heirlooms‘                                             ‘looking in‘                                        ‘archetype‘                                          ‘being’       

42x42.52 cms                                                        42x31.74 cms                                        42x30 cms                                       42x 31.5 cms                                      42 x 25.32 cms

A story of engagement: heritage prints mounted on wood.


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In his book ‘Being Alive’ the anthropologist Tim Ingold discusses a ‘storied' world where ‘lives are led not inside places, but through around and to and from them’ where places, material histories and movement form entwined trails, threads and knots.  

These works form part of a new body of collaborative work offered for exhibition by artists Trish Bould from Ynys Mon and Pom Stanley from Gwynedd. Our works have been developed through complex processes involving, installation, photography and digital collage.  Printed on heritage paper and mounted on aluminum or on wood works are offered as limited edition prints.

Pom and Trish are lifelong friends, ‘A narrative of knots, threads and tangles’ that brings together differences and similarities, reflecting on shared life experiences.  One larger image forms a place and pathway ‘reaching in and out’ of a building. Pictured within the works are many treasured materials, memories and family heirlooms. Collectively and individually, the works embody a felt sense and evoke narratives experienced in the landscape and during the making of an installation about place. The work links and brings into tension physical and metaphorical ideas about connection, entanglement, construction, placemaking and time. 

The artists hope that audiences may interpret narratives that open, reform and constantly shift as they are ciphered through their own experiences.

Trish established her studio on Ynys Mon in 2017.  Pom has lived and worked in North Wales for over 30 years and speaks Welsh.